Frequently Asked Questions: Counselling

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions regarding counselling. If there is anything else regarding the counselling service that I offer that you are unsure about and would like to know, then please send me an email at [email protected].

How do I know if I need counselling?

Only you can decide whether you want to try counselling, but if you are struggling to cope and are finding day-to-day life difficult, you may benefit from professional help. Just talking to someone confidentially who is not a friend or family member can make all the difference. Counselling provides a regular time for you to explore your feelings and talk about any problems you're experiencing. A counsellor can help you develop better ways of coping, allowing you to move forward and get the most out of life.

What should I expect from the free consultation?

The idea of speaking to a counsellor and entrusting someone with your personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences can feel daunting to some people. It’s essential that you feel comfortable in the process of sharing things with me, and I don’t want you to have to pay for my time until you know that we are the right fit. This is why I offer a 20-minute online chat before any formal session. The purpose of this consultation is to help me to understand what is going on for you and to ensure that I feel capable of helping you and that you feel comfortable working with me. During the consultation, I will ask a few questions to get a better sense of what has brought you to counselling and what you are looking for from our counselling relationship. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you have about counselling and how it works. If we both feel comfortable proceeding after the consultation, we will schedule our first session. There's no pressure to make a decision at that time though, as you are welcome to have some time to think about it and to explore other options first. If, after the consultation, you feel that to continue with my services would not be right for you, there is no obligation whatsoever for you to do so.

How many sessions will I need?

This depends on the individual. Some people may only need four to six sessions, whereas some people may need more than six sessions. When we have got to six sessions we will do a review and assess from there and review again at six-weekly intervals, unless your ready to end before the next review. This is a client-led therapy and you decide the amount of sessions that you need.           

So should I choose online or face to face counselling? 

It is widely believed that the quality of the relationship between the client and therapist is fundamental to the success of the therapy. As such, whether in-person or online therapy is preferable, it will ultimately be a very personal decision for you. The decision ultimately depends on individual needs, preferences, circumstances, and comfort levels. For some, the convenience and accessibility of online therapy make it the perfect choice, while others may prefer the more human physical connection offered by face-to-face therapy.

The important thing to remember is that it is always your choice, it is also increasingly normal, especially with the rise of people working over the internet and travelling frequently, to engage in therapy that is sometimes in person, sometimes over the internet. So if one form of therapy is not a perfect match for your needs, you could consider trying this new ‘blended approach’.

I know I need counselling but money is very tight. Could you still help?

If you feel like you would like to access counselling but money is tight then still do please get in touch. I am happy to discuss a reduced fee (which we can negotiate between us) to ensure that this is not a barrier preventing you from engaging with support should you need it. It is more important for me to make sure everyone who wants counselling can access it than it is for me to have some extra money in my pocket.  

Does my GP need to refer me for an appointment?

No. You are free to refer yourself.

If you are a private practice, why do I have to provide my GP details?

Therapists request GP details for the unlikely event you had a medical emergency while attending therapy. In the case of a psychological or emotional emergency, I would seek your permission to contact your GP in the interests of your safety and/or wellbeing.

Will you be available for me in a crisis?

As your counsellor I will be available to you at your scheduled appointment time only. In the case of an emergency you will need to seek other resources. Contact your GP, the Samaritans (call 116 123, www.samaritans.org), or, if necessary, emergency services.