As a supervisor, it is my aim to build a strong working alliance with my supervisees, where trust can be established to allow for a safe place for them to come and share how things are “really” going in relation to their therapeutic work. I am a qualified supervisor having completed my 'Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Clinical Supervision Including Online
and Telephone Working'. I practice a person-centred approach to supervision which emphasises the person of the
counsellor/ supervisee and the development of their therapeutic
abilities rather than just focusing on the individual concerns of
It is my belief that when counsellors are not attuned to their own needs, fears and
unconscious factors, these can negatively interfere with the client's
process. Therefore a major goal of supervision is helping supervisees
grow in self-awareness, self-confidence and understanding of the
therapeutic process. I endeavour to offer an effective supervisory relationship which fosters a non-judgmental approach, offering both support and appropriate challenge. I aim to provide all my supervisees with my warmth and respect for them as fellow counsellors, my interest in their experiences and processes with their clients and how this might be affecting them.
My commitment is to be present where they are, to be an active agent in the supervisory relationship and to draw on my facilitative skills, knowledge and experience to provide an exploratory and educative supervisory relationship which promotes their professional growth and development. When supervising I use the Hawkins and Shohet’s Seven-Eyed Model of
Supervision, which integrates the relational and systemic aspects of
As a qualified supervisor, I also adhere to and draw on the BACP’s Supervision Competence Framework and I have my own qualified BACP supervisor who supervises my supervisee work.
The ever-evolving world around us has led to technology playing an integral role in how we lead our lives. Advancements in video calling and mobile connectivity makes therapy accessible online, giving you an alternative to traditional face-to-face supervision. Online supervision has many unique advantages:
For my online practice I use for all my sessions. is a telemedicine solution designed for healthcare providers and mental health practices of all sizes. implements state of the art security and encryption protocols to assure that data integrity and privacy is maintained. As a result, complies with GDPR. features no downloads, no plugins and nothing to install and automatically works in most popular browsers as well as being mobile friendly so that you can use your mobile browser to attend sessions.
There is also no cost to you for using for our sessions.
There are lots of practising supervisors to choose from and it is
really important that you find one that feels the right fit for you. You need someone
with whom you feel you can work, someone who will really listen to you
and who will do their very best to understand your world.
If you feel I might be the supervisor for you, please send me an email at [email protected],
and we can arrange a free 20-minute video call to meet one another
and see if it feels right. We can discuss
what supervision will involve, what your requirements are and what you are looking for from a supervisor. This initial consultation is free and
there is no obligation for you to choose me as your supervisor.
If you decide that
you wish to proceed, we can then set up your first session and take it
from there.